Friday, September 17, 2010


Dear blog,

wahh. It has been like what, 2 months plus since I last wrote something. Gosh. Since my laptop died the other day, suddenly stop posting sudah. LOL. Nevermind, can start back now! Yeah!!

So from now on will try to post daily but rather than tell about what I did and what happened that day, better write what's on my mind yeah?

1st and far most is about what I've learn from my brother in Christ, Riong Lawrence. Gosh, when I read what he had to say about BGR, it really did gave me a food for thought. It sounds something like this..

When I stopped viewing girls as potential girlfriends and started treating them as sisters in Christ, I discovered the richness of true friendship. - Lawrence, R.

When I read this, wow! It really change my mindset. Before this is was all about looking for girlfriends and stuff. But then I realise the most important thing, is to be brothers and sisters in Christ. I started to recall my past. God know what I've done. And when we see girls more towards girlfriends, rather than a sister in Christ, what we are running after is not LOVE but LUST. When we get to know a girl as a sister in Christ, the we can feel the meaning of friendship with girls, compare to just looking at them as girlfriends. I believe God as prepared me a perfect WIFE, not a perfect GIRLFRIEND. Thank God for my brother Riong who has shared so much to me. Thanks brother. Thank you too God for everything I've been through. AMEN!

peace out and stay awesome!