Monday, May 31, 2010


Dear blog,

Weeee.. Since the other blog died a terrible death, I'm reviving it into a new, more AWESOME one. Hehe. I just noticed that I have an awesome life and need to keep a record of my awesomeness. lol.

Ok~ Lets get straight to the point. When out with the bff n Andy last night, and dang was it late. hahaha. When to the 'Bintang MegaMall' (sound so much cooler than parkson =P). Finally got the wireless router *thanx andy!*. Now can online from my room! ^^ Then Andy n the bff brainwashed me and made me go out with them till almost 2am O.O Went to Chilipeppers with the bff, Andy, Ali (lama sik jumpa ko eyh ^^), Andy's adik and Timo. Me n the bff tried shisha for the 1st time and apparently we suck. haha. But we manage to did it proper after a few time. =D *we did it glo!* Then talk crap and watch Nim's Island on a FLAT SCREEN TV (yes, we drove all the way to watch movie on a flat screen TV =P). Then had to go back cause we got a minor *ehemadikandrewehem* with us. It was raining. Dang, rain during noon la, when its hot. =.= Then on the way back, Andy keep on telling me 'stories' based on experience from late night (or early morning =.=) driving. Damn I was scared. =.=" Got back and everyone asleep sudah. 1st go out sampai 2am. LOL. Andy must be so proud. =.= Anyway had a awesome time. ^^

Dang, actually there's so many things happened that I keep on saying "this is so going into my blog" but I kinda forget most of it. I suck at this. =.="

peace out and stay awesome.

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