Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Dear blog,

Huh.. What a day indeed today is.. Went and send my cousin to the airport as early as 6.00am =.= was so sleepy driving. When I reached home, i can't sleep. I like why is it always like this?? Huh.. Figures. Then afternoon went with my uncle go shopping at Boulevard. Man that was F.U.N and AWESOME! My uncle bought me a new gaming keyboard at the place where Azlan works *his last day today. YES!! more time with us!* and my uncle bought new headphones. He tried mine at home and he was like, "where you buy this?? The sound very good oo!". and i was like,"Boulevard?" then terus he bawa me and Robinson go. Hehe. But sik jumpa the same type as mine. hahaha. Sorry uncle! Then he bawa us go eat at Sugarbun. ^^

Actually I was looking forward to the night time because I made plans with my girls. hahaha. my cousin n my children fruit, Beatrice and Vanessa. We planned on watching a movie together before they leave for Kuala Lumpur. Argghhhh!! Tengok2 sik jadi.. dang... Hate it when properly planned plans failed. Huhu. They were busy with stuffs and cun2 my aunty at Tudan ada buat makan2 at her house. I bawa this two ikut. At first ok, then again, sik jadi. =.= *Life, pleasa stop being cruel to me*

Don't know when can meet them again oo. Huhuhu. *emo mood*

Anyway, hope you two will have the best in life and take care aboard. I'm so gonna miss the times we had. *enough with the emo josh =.=*

Ok ok ok. Moving on. Just now I notice something as I was sitting around with my Kayan side of the family, I speak better Kayan now then I did before and I like, so proud to be a mixed Kayan. hahahaha. Hope I can do that with my Lun Bawang too. -.-

Well, that's basically it for now, I guess. lol.

oh yeah, my NEW wireless is on and now can online from my room! Yeah! I know, it's like so AWESOME!

peace out and stay awesome

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