Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dear blog,

Wow.. I was sleepy the whole day.. This was after pulling an all-nighter with Emu. hee. Just got to know Emu from my cousin Clarissa. She has Lun Bawang blood, for me, enough said, total selling point. There's something about me and Lun Bawang girls lar. hahaha. Anyway, I can tell she's a cool and awesome girl. =)

Okk.. Woke up at round 8.00am. My dad bawa go breakfast with my sis and my uncles. Then got home arond 9+ then sambung tidur till about 12 like that. hehhehe. Even after that I'm still sleepy... =.= When to Parkson with Clarissa and my sis. We wanna go watch 'Killer'. Nice movie. hahaha. Anyway. we smuggled Mc.D into the cinema and Clarissa's bag ended up smelling like fries. lol.

Then when I reach home, my mum haven't balik yet from bintulu. She go bintulu with my grandpa and a few of my aunts and my uncle.They go send my aunty go back Kuching. Then later that night I got ready for RYM. I'm worship leafing. hee. When I reach the church, I was quite surprise to see like sik sampai 10 org datang. Agak hampa la ku.. hee. But my friend ever told me, "so what if they didn't came, the important part is we did!". Then I was like, ya lar kan. Janji I come bha. Hahahah. Anyway, the worship leading was ok, despite the music coz lack in musician, but hey, I'm doing it for the Lord, so I'm ok with it. =)

Anyway, that's basically it for today. the next post will be bout the BBQ I'll be attending. So stay tuned folks!

peace out and stay awesome!

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