Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Dear blog,

Feeling much better than yesterday. Hee. Maybe after talking with William and Tim bout my feelings, I was ok. Maybe I just need someone to talk too. =)

Anyway, pick up Azlan and the parents up from the airport. Ingat Azlan kedirik tek, tengok, with parents. hahaha. Send them home then baru balik rumah. Lepak at home the whole day.. Sikda me jalan2 today. Andrew study week (o.o), Stanley still away, and will be back on the 9th. Bawa Azlan go Imperial but he busy.. Stay kat rumah ja la.. hahaha.

Went for the concert again to night. Yet again, AWESOME! The gospel band really rocked the stage! hehehe. The band called 'The Crucified' was a real showstopper. I love the 2nd song they sang. Wish could hear it again. =P

The went and makan2 with William and Tim at Hai Ma.. Talk to them bout what has happen in my life. They were great listeners and friend. Thanks! =)

Anyway, that's basically it lar for now. Till next time. =)

peace out and stay awesome!

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