Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Dear blog,

man today was quite a fun, awesome, but yet a lil sad also.. Huhu. Had a day out with the cousins today. Left them at Parkson then I went to pick up Beatrice and Vanessa at Taman Tunku. They're going back to KL. Huhu. Sad lar.. I baru ja rapat with them then now have to pisah sudah.. *miss you two so much larr*. I lepak2 at Beatrice's then after awhile send them to the airport at around 3.30pm. *sob sob*

Then I went to Parkson to met up the rest of the cousins. Then brought them to Sushi King. Lol. Wasted RM60 there. Then off to Big Apple for doughnuts. Got myself my favorite, Iceberg! ^^ Then after that went to Song Hill (Lol. Bukit Song) for 'ngabang' at my uncle's for the Gawai celebration. Had quite a fun time. Wish the beloved cousin and favourite fruit child was there but they left for KL sudah. =(

Then went back at around 8.15pm. Stop by the bus station to pick my friend Augustine. He'll be leaving to Labuan tomorrow to repeat the Matriculation Programme. Lol. He's gonna take our senior title at KML starting tomorrow. Sweet. The legacy lives on. =D

The bff left for Labuan also today. Wanted to met her to give her the best series ever, How I Met Your Mother seasons 1 till 4, but sik sempat.. sorry bff can't met you and send you off. =( I miss you already lar. take good care of yourself over there.. Anything just text me k? =)

Oh yeah, before I end up here, my Kayan like improve more today. Lol. My aunty was like "since when you can speak in Kayan? Before this sik pernah pun." and I was like "biasa lar.." Hehe. Well obviously she was not speaking it in English, I translated it so everyone can understand bha. Hee. It had been a blast! Can't wait what's gonna happen after this!! =)

peace out and stay awesome

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