Friday, June 4, 2010


Dear blog,

today was quite a handful, but I managed. hehehe. Woke up around 9am(?) then didn't nothing at home.. Online, play games was pretty much what I did this morning. Wanted to go out with Andrew and Adib today tapi sik jadi cause people busy2 at home, preparing for 'pahlung' at rumah Mo' Wak. Then I changed my mind and pick Robinson up from his house with Clarissa and bring them round2 Boulevard then back home. Played DotA with Robin till we got bored. lol.

Then we went to Mo' Wak's for the 'pahlung'. Had makan2. Love the fruit salad. Kakak Shawry, do again please. ^^ Then had fellowship among the family with Ibu Ros giving a little word from the Bible. It was the story of when Jacob tricked his father into giving him his blessing instead to his older brother Esau. Ibu was saying how important it is to get the blessing from our golden generation as we don't know how long they still have on this earth.

Thats the main purpose for this 'pahlung' actually, to ask forgiveness from Ake'Sah and among ourselves cause we know that it's not good and not healthy to keep stuff from each other. So we had our moments, forgiving and hugging. Tears here and there *love the water-works* Worthy the effort. =) And there was this weird thing that happened went the forgiving session started. No no, it has nothing to do with the session. It was some car outside buat hal *kacau mood betul* My dad parked his car outside a house, which looked like no one was staying there so he park la outside the house cos no other place to park bha. Tengah syok2 minta maaf tiba2 got this car horned like nobody's bisness sampai most of the uncles go and see what happened. The car mok masuk the house yang my dad parked outside tadi,so instead of asking nicely *btw, one of my uncle is standing outside that time* the car just horned. Dah la bising... My dad rushed n go repark the car. Nasib got parking sudah.. huu~

On a different note, got Halo from abang Mern. Maybe tomorrow start playing with him and his gang. hahaha. It better be good. =P Suddenly teringat the times we had lar. *sob sob* Miss you two Beatrice and Vanessa. Come back soon~ =(

Think that's all folks. Post again soon!

peace out and stay awesome!

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