Sunday, June 13, 2010


Dear blog,

another boring day in Joshua Baru's life. Was a sad day really after finding out bout the passing of our dear uncle Robert Jelung.. Condolence to the family of the late uncle Robert Jelung..

Woke up don't know what time. haha. Then mum broke the news of the passing of uncle Robert. I was like can't believe it but I know it's true. He die due to Lung Cancer... Which is kinda ironic cause he don't smoke. This shows the bad effect of being a second hand smoker. DANGEROUS people! Stop smoking please. We still love you. The parents are busy moving here and there due to this incident.. They even when and sleep over at their house. huhu. Don't worry mum we can take care of ourself. =)

At night went for the SIB Senadin Anniversary Dinner. Had fun, nothing much happen. Ow yeah. Did use cousin's handphone and texted with Emu and Steph. haha. 2 people who I recently know and want to get to know them better. Which I could ask for their phone numbers but mesti they fikir I'm just like other guys, ask their number just to takel them. I mok berkenal ja pun. huhu. Nevermind, tunggu I berani minta lar. hehe. Which reminds me bout Eunice, the vocalist for JeDi, a gospel band from the recent Musical Celebration. Got to know her recently through Facebook. She got offer from Matriculation for the 2-years programme. Hope she will make the right choice!

Anyway, World Cup Fever people!! England vs USA soon. Gonna watch it for sure! Rooting for the Three Lions to bag all three points! =)

Well, that's basically it for now. Can't wait for tomorrow!!

peace out and stay awesome!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Dear blog,

Huh! quite a day! hehe

Woke up macam biasa. Can't believe I tertidur depan my laptop. hahahaha. Must be so tired. hehehe. Anyway, nothing much happen from morning till afternoon. Just stocked up on snacks for the World Cup. hehe. Then at night went to Justin's to discuss on the up coming EYM 1/2 day retreat with Ps. Andy Yeo. hee. I was taking over from the LBC side. Ps. John came up with a VERY funny theme, FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY. He got that from Justin's "Nothing to something". Me, Justin and Vina was liked, haha-ing. lol. Then went out with Justin and Vina. Mett up with their friends at Sun City. Watch the opening match between South Africa and Mexico while had something to eat. Me and Justin ordered the Chicken Cordon Blue. Nice. hehe. The game ended 1-1. =)

Now waiting for France vs Uruguay! Can't wait! =)
That's basically it. Can't wait for tomorrow!

peace out and stay awesome!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Dear blog,

WOW. I'm so tired to write but so many things happen today!

For starters watch The Prince Of Persia - Sands Of Times. Best movie of the month so far!! So awesome!!! Then they was the Pastor Sidney Mohede Concert. That was the highlight! I could feel the presence of God just moving. Was so touched and blessed. Glory to God!

Meet with aunty Angud, Tim Upai and Gary Andrew. They're going back tomorrow. sobs. Gonna miss them alot, especially aunty. Miss aunty suda now. =( Gave Tim n Gary goodbye hug. Was quite kecik ati lar that aunty don't want to hug me. Sedih me. =( Maybe she got her reasons.. Miss you people so much sudah..

Anyway.. That's basically it..

peace out and stay awesome!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Dear blog,

Was soooo blessed tonight at the Musical Celebration! hee. Will talk more on that later!

Woke up quite late today, around 10? hee. Then had to send my sis go atur her pagar gigi at Dr.Bob's. After that had lunch with dady, uncle Mutang and one of dad's friend. Got home. Then didn't had much to do. Was supposed to watch Prince of Persia with the boys today but sik jadi cause Stanley blum balit gik.. Then tukar go tomorrow, tapi Stanley balit lewat gik, on friday. Dah la I'm going to Lawas this sunday till wednessday... Nampaknya tomorrow la go tengok without Stanley. Sorry man.. Tunggu I come back we go watch again lar k. =)

Went for Musical Celebration day 3. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So blessed by the P&W by the Daerah PMM. Really felt the Lord was working amongst them youth, especially in Sarawak. God bless us more. =) The Limang team won the Dance competition and remember the band I talked bout in the previous post? ya, they won the gospel band competition. =) Glory to God for the talents He has blessed the youth with. After that go makan2. Gerald drove my car back to his house at Taman Tunku. hee. Ada ka patut he ckp he sik pandai bawa auto.. Apa pun orang.. hehe.

Anyway, had so much fun today! Can't wait for tomorrow!

peace out and stay awesome!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Dear blog,

Feeling much better than yesterday. Hee. Maybe after talking with William and Tim bout my feelings, I was ok. Maybe I just need someone to talk too. =)

Anyway, pick up Azlan and the parents up from the airport. Ingat Azlan kedirik tek, tengok, with parents. hahaha. Send them home then baru balik rumah. Lepak at home the whole day.. Sikda me jalan2 today. Andrew study week (o.o), Stanley still away, and will be back on the 9th. Bawa Azlan go Imperial but he busy.. Stay kat rumah ja la.. hahaha.

Went for the concert again to night. Yet again, AWESOME! The gospel band really rocked the stage! hehehe. The band called 'The Crucified' was a real showstopper. I love the 2nd song they sang. Wish could hear it again. =P

The went and makan2 with William and Tim at Hai Ma.. Talk to them bout what has happen in my life. They were great listeners and friend. Thanks! =)

Anyway, that's basically it lar for now. Till next time. =)

peace out and stay awesome!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Dear blog,

I 'm not in the mood to type today lar. Something struck my heart and I'm emo now. huhu. Just do a sum of what I did today lar 4 now..

Woke up, online, went to town, had lunch with the sis and dady, when and see the cousin to take my concert tickets, went to Boulevard, sent mdady's and my watch for repair, repaired my phone, got home, pest, went and pick up William, then Gerald, went to the concert at Dewan Suarah, Timothy tagged along, had late dinner with the boys, send Gerald home, then Timothy, Then William, baru come back home.

That's it. Sorry for the emo mode today. Hope it ends tomorrow. -.-

peace out and stay awesome

Monday, June 7, 2010


Dear blog,

Quite a boring day lar today.. Nothing much happen... Anyway, let's see hat did happened today..

Woke up around 9.30am. Was late for church. lol. Sampai church dah around 10+ sudah. hahahaha. Sik sempat breakfast that morning so was soooo hungry during church.. Sampai tengok pastor pun macam sosej dah... lol.. Agak over lar. hehehe. Then had luch at the nearby nasi ayam shop then baru balik rumah. Then while relaxing, watched the movie 'When In Rome'. Was a awesome movie. Who knew how troublesome some coins can be? hehehe. Recommended. I rated 6.5/10. =)

Then nigth time went and had dinner with mami and dadi pun old friend who is a pastor from Singapore. eat eat, chit chat. Then balik rumah. Gerald and Co. bawa go jalan but mami and dadi don't allow.. They were like, "what time is it now??" and I'm like "baru 10pm bhaa". Then after a few moment of lecture, bottom-line, can't go out wit the boys. *sorry geng*

Well. That's basically what happen today. See, told you, boring day. Hmm.. Agak hampa la rasa ku. hee. Can't wait for tomorrow!

peace out and stay awesome!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Dear blog,

Huh! What a tiring day! Wow. Never knew I could have so much fun for the whole day. hehe. Morning was xplanet, till afternoon. then night time at ParkCity Hotel. BBQ and dinner, AWESOME!

It was raining heavily at Miri today during the morning time. I went and pick William up then we go and met up with the rest. Sampai sana, jumpa Yet, Kenny, Elvis, Gerald and Bryan. We went and atur the tempat BBQ. Gerlad mok polah air bandung, tengok2 sikda gula.. LOL. Then mo start api, sikda mancis/lighter. I'm like, lol, byk na jwak lupa embak benda. hahahaha. Have to wait for Lawai to bring the pork and charcoal. Jeff went with Bryan and go take tikar. Tengok2, they bawa yg kecik pun. lol. 2 orang ja dpt duduk. hahahahaha. Then Lawai sampai. The the BBQ start. hahaha. Alu datang la Damian and geng.. Then datang Stephanie.. Then datang Collin.. Then datang Tad.. Wahh.. Nang banyak la orang datang. hahaha. After makan2, satu per satu orang balik.. tinggal me, kenny, william, geral, anwar, bryan, jeff, elvis, collin, and yet only.. Then we played a lil beach soccer. fun fun fun. ^^

Then around 4 something, I went back.. Hantar Gerald home, then William, baru I go back. Dah samapi rumah, terus go mandi. Then got wedding reception at ParkCity Hotel.. Man.. was so full.. ahhaha. btw, on a differnt note, the waitress yang serve my table very cute. haha. badan kecik2, muka cute2. lol. Kaco2 cikit ja lar. hehe. didn't get her name and her number. dang. I need to learn how to tackle girls lar.. =.=

Anyway, such and awesome day today. met alot of people and had FUN! =)
That's all folks!

peace out and stay awesome!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dear blog,

Wow.. I was sleepy the whole day.. This was after pulling an all-nighter with Emu. hee. Just got to know Emu from my cousin Clarissa. She has Lun Bawang blood, for me, enough said, total selling point. There's something about me and Lun Bawang girls lar. hahaha. Anyway, I can tell she's a cool and awesome girl. =)

Okk.. Woke up at round 8.00am. My dad bawa go breakfast with my sis and my uncles. Then got home arond 9+ then sambung tidur till about 12 like that. hehhehe. Even after that I'm still sleepy... =.= When to Parkson with Clarissa and my sis. We wanna go watch 'Killer'. Nice movie. hahaha. Anyway. we smuggled Mc.D into the cinema and Clarissa's bag ended up smelling like fries. lol.

Then when I reach home, my mum haven't balik yet from bintulu. She go bintulu with my grandpa and a few of my aunts and my uncle.They go send my aunty go back Kuching. Then later that night I got ready for RYM. I'm worship leafing. hee. When I reach the church, I was quite surprise to see like sik sampai 10 org datang. Agak hampa la ku.. hee. But my friend ever told me, "so what if they didn't came, the important part is we did!". Then I was like, ya lar kan. Janji I come bha. Hahahah. Anyway, the worship leading was ok, despite the music coz lack in musician, but hey, I'm doing it for the Lord, so I'm ok with it. =)

Anyway, that's basically it for today. the next post will be bout the BBQ I'll be attending. So stay tuned folks!

peace out and stay awesome!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Dear blog,

today was quite a handful, but I managed. hehehe. Woke up around 9am(?) then didn't nothing at home.. Online, play games was pretty much what I did this morning. Wanted to go out with Andrew and Adib today tapi sik jadi cause people busy2 at home, preparing for 'pahlung' at rumah Mo' Wak. Then I changed my mind and pick Robinson up from his house with Clarissa and bring them round2 Boulevard then back home. Played DotA with Robin till we got bored. lol.

Then we went to Mo' Wak's for the 'pahlung'. Had makan2. Love the fruit salad. Kakak Shawry, do again please. ^^ Then had fellowship among the family with Ibu Ros giving a little word from the Bible. It was the story of when Jacob tricked his father into giving him his blessing instead to his older brother Esau. Ibu was saying how important it is to get the blessing from our golden generation as we don't know how long they still have on this earth.

Thats the main purpose for this 'pahlung' actually, to ask forgiveness from Ake'Sah and among ourselves cause we know that it's not good and not healthy to keep stuff from each other. So we had our moments, forgiving and hugging. Tears here and there *love the water-works* Worthy the effort. =) And there was this weird thing that happened went the forgiving session started. No no, it has nothing to do with the session. It was some car outside buat hal *kacau mood betul* My dad parked his car outside a house, which looked like no one was staying there so he park la outside the house cos no other place to park bha. Tengah syok2 minta maaf tiba2 got this car horned like nobody's bisness sampai most of the uncles go and see what happened. The car mok masuk the house yang my dad parked outside tadi,so instead of asking nicely *btw, one of my uncle is standing outside that time* the car just horned. Dah la bising... My dad rushed n go repark the car. Nasib got parking sudah.. huu~

On a different note, got Halo from abang Mern. Maybe tomorrow start playing with him and his gang. hahaha. It better be good. =P Suddenly teringat the times we had lar. *sob sob* Miss you two Beatrice and Vanessa. Come back soon~ =(

Think that's all folks. Post again soon!

peace out and stay awesome!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Dear blog,

dang I'm too sleepy to type alot larr.... waaaa.... Nevermind, I'll just write til where I can type la. hee.

Today was quite funny. I thought my parents pun flight ETA 8.30am. My uncle wanna go pick them so I tell lar ETA 8.30am. So he go at 8.15am. Then around 9.50am I got a call from my dad asking me to check their ticket booking number at his e-mail. Then I was like, "sik patut gik kat Ba'kelalan tok." Tengok2, agik cya! Adoii.. Kecian my uncle wait lama2 at the airport. Hahahahaha. Sorry uncle! Wrong info. =P

Then had another awesome day out with the cousins Clarissa and Robinson. At 1st wanna tengok movie tapi semua masa sik cun. Hee. Then had lunch at Mc.D. Met the old crush, Patrica Ting. =P She bawa me go tengok wayang cause she 'terlebih' beli ticket. Tapi RM9 alu sik jadi me ikut. *sory babe* Then last2 I wented bowling with the cousins.

Then guess who I met there? Another old crush *well not old lar, still crushing. haha* Dianna Jali. Aww. Lama sik jumpa her. Rambut baru sudah orang.. hehehe. Missed you lar. =) And with the old pal, Hosea and his lil brother. Then met with Sobree at Ground Floor. hee. Agak banyak la terjumpa old peeps. Then I realise how much I miss my friends. hee. Miss you people!

O yeah, went to church to practice songs for this Friday's RYM meeting. I'm worship leading. Yeah! haha. And my dad cakap got this one accident near the fly-over and it was bad, like seriously super bad. Got people die I think, he said. o.O

Anyway, thats all for now. Hope later or tomorrow I can write/type better than this lar. hee. ;)

peace out and stay awesome

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Dear blog,

man today was quite a fun, awesome, but yet a lil sad also.. Huhu. Had a day out with the cousins today. Left them at Parkson then I went to pick up Beatrice and Vanessa at Taman Tunku. They're going back to KL. Huhu. Sad lar.. I baru ja rapat with them then now have to pisah sudah.. *miss you two so much larr*. I lepak2 at Beatrice's then after awhile send them to the airport at around 3.30pm. *sob sob*

Then I went to Parkson to met up the rest of the cousins. Then brought them to Sushi King. Lol. Wasted RM60 there. Then off to Big Apple for doughnuts. Got myself my favorite, Iceberg! ^^ Then after that went to Song Hill (Lol. Bukit Song) for 'ngabang' at my uncle's for the Gawai celebration. Had quite a fun time. Wish the beloved cousin and favourite fruit child was there but they left for KL sudah. =(

Then went back at around 8.15pm. Stop by the bus station to pick my friend Augustine. He'll be leaving to Labuan tomorrow to repeat the Matriculation Programme. Lol. He's gonna take our senior title at KML starting tomorrow. Sweet. The legacy lives on. =D

The bff left for Labuan also today. Wanted to met her to give her the best series ever, How I Met Your Mother seasons 1 till 4, but sik sempat.. sorry bff can't met you and send you off. =( I miss you already lar. take good care of yourself over there.. Anything just text me k? =)

Oh yeah, before I end up here, my Kayan like improve more today. Lol. My aunty was like "since when you can speak in Kayan? Before this sik pernah pun." and I was like "biasa lar.." Hehe. Well obviously she was not speaking it in English, I translated it so everyone can understand bha. Hee. It had been a blast! Can't wait what's gonna happen after this!! =)

peace out and stay awesome

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Dear blog,

Huh.. What a day indeed today is.. Went and send my cousin to the airport as early as 6.00am =.= was so sleepy driving. When I reached home, i can't sleep. I like why is it always like this?? Huh.. Figures. Then afternoon went with my uncle go shopping at Boulevard. Man that was F.U.N and AWESOME! My uncle bought me a new gaming keyboard at the place where Azlan works *his last day today. YES!! more time with us!* and my uncle bought new headphones. He tried mine at home and he was like, "where you buy this?? The sound very good oo!". and i was like,"Boulevard?" then terus he bawa me and Robinson go. Hehe. But sik jumpa the same type as mine. hahaha. Sorry uncle! Then he bawa us go eat at Sugarbun. ^^

Actually I was looking forward to the night time because I made plans with my girls. hahaha. my cousin n my children fruit, Beatrice and Vanessa. We planned on watching a movie together before they leave for Kuala Lumpur. Argghhhh!! Tengok2 sik jadi.. dang... Hate it when properly planned plans failed. Huhu. They were busy with stuffs and cun2 my aunty at Tudan ada buat makan2 at her house. I bawa this two ikut. At first ok, then again, sik jadi. =.= *Life, pleasa stop being cruel to me*

Don't know when can meet them again oo. Huhuhu. *emo mood*

Anyway, hope you two will have the best in life and take care aboard. I'm so gonna miss the times we had. *enough with the emo josh =.=*

Ok ok ok. Moving on. Just now I notice something as I was sitting around with my Kayan side of the family, I speak better Kayan now then I did before and I like, so proud to be a mixed Kayan. hahahaha. Hope I can do that with my Lun Bawang too. -.-

Well, that's basically it for now, I guess. lol.

oh yeah, my NEW wireless is on and now can online from my room! Yeah! I know, it's like so AWESOME!

peace out and stay awesome